Engineering Office for Digital Signal Processing and Measurement Data Aquisition Planning, consulting and project management in the areas of Digital Signal Processing and Measurement Data Acquisition. Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing is an area of electrical engineering. Computers are used to gain information that useful signals contain. These Signals are important for a broad range of applications: communications, medicine, geology, consumer electronics, road transport and aviation, industrial production, to name just a few. In most cases these signals originate as sensory data from the real world. The analog-to-digital converter turns them to the digital format and handles them over to the Digital Signal Processor (DSP). A DSP is a specialized microprocessor optimized for the fast mathematically processing in the signal-analysis. Each area of electrical engineering has developed its own methods and algorithms in using Digital Signal Processing in order to reach their desired goals. These might be filtering of information, recognition of pattern, enhancement of video- and audio material, generating of signals, spectrum analysis … Electromagnetic Compatibility Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is a branch of electrical sciences. The purpose of electromagnetic compatibility is to keep the unintentional propagation and reception of electromagnetic energy under control. EMC ensures the compatibility of a device or a system in its electromagnetic environment. Correct operation of a device includes to minimize the transmission of unwanted electromagnetic interference as well as to reduce the potential vulnerability by electromagnetic interference acting from the outside. EMC is often referred to as the control of EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) in order to avoid/prevent electromagnetic interference effects. Measurement Data Acquisition Measurement Data Acquisition (DAQ) is widely used in industry and research. A great amount of measurement data from a diverse range of instruments and sensors has to be acquired and stored reliable under computer control. Every data acquisition task has its own special challenges. A DAQ system consists of sensors, DAQ measurement hardware and a computer with specialized software. The Signal Conditioning, Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and the appropriate Computer Bus are the key components of a DAQ Device. The operation of the DAQ device is controlled by a computer in combination with specialized data acquisition software in order to process, store and visualize measurement data. Organisations and Institutes IEEEThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world’s largest professional association headquartered in New York City that is dedicated to advancing technological innovation. It has more than 400,000 members in more than 160 countries ( IEEE Germany Section has currently more than 7.600 active members ( EMC SocietyThe IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society is the world's largest organization dedicated to the development and distribution of information, tools and techniques for reducing electromagnetic interference ( for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE)VDE, the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies is one of the largest technical and scientific associations in Europe with more than 35,000 members. VDE is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, and is represented in Berlin and Brussels as well as with 29 branch offices throughout Germany ( Association of German Engineers (VDI)With nearly 150,000 personal members – over a third of which are students and junior engineers under the age of 33 – The Association of German Engineers (VDI) is one of the largest technical-scientific associations in Europe (